Mike Johnson is a name that resonates with many, whether you're a fan of his time on The Bachelorette or his various endeavors in the entertainment and motivational speaking worlds. Known for his wisdom, humor, and authenticity, Mike has shared some unforgettable quotes that continue to inspire and motivate individuals worldwide. In this article, we'll explore some of the most impactful Mike Johnson quotes that are sure to inspire your journey toward success, happiness, and self-love.
Elitists rarely have the temperament to understand real people and real problems, and judges who lead with hubris are dangerous to our system.
Mike Johnson
Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone. Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle.
Mike Johnson
Investing time in the district and listening to our constituents is a very important part of my job. Our people deserve congressional offices that are accessible.
Mike Johnson
All of us need to remember, a government of, by, and for the people depends upon healthy debate and a civil exchange of ideas. We can't maintain our republic and this grand experiment in self-governance without it.
Mike Johnson
We believe that a leader can be cooperative and conciliatory without compromising his or her core principles.
Mike Johnson
There are more miles of natural gas pipeline in the United States than there are paved roads.
Mike Johnson
I am a Bible-believing Christian.
Mike Johnson
I was elected to represent the good people of Louisiana's Fourth Congressional District, and I will work every day to serve their needs.
Mike Johnson
I'm all in for President Trump.
Mike Johnson
The separation of church and state is a misnomer. People misunderstand it. Of course, it comes from a phrase that was in a letter that Jefferson wrote. It's not in the Constitution.
Mike Johnson
The only reason malcontent party hacks and academics are allowed to pontificate about civil liberties from the safety of their ivory towers is because there are soldiers and law enforcement officials risking their lives in the trenches to protect our homeland.
Mike Johnson
For too long, government bureaucracies have hindered the growth of businesses not only in Louisiana, but all across the United States.
Mike Johnson
The so called 'WOTUS Rule' was a gross overreach by the Obama Administration and put mud puddles and backyard ditches under government control. Farmers and every day Americans all across the country have been subjected to new, burdensome regulations that kill jobs and further hinder the economy.
Mike Johnson
All of us should acknowledge the real emotion and strife of the homosexual lifestyle, and should certainly treat all people with dignity, love and respect. But our government can never provide its stamp of approval or special legal sanction for behavior patterns that are proven to be destructive to individuals, to families and to society at large.
Mike Johnson
There are complainers and there are patriots. Given the option, my vote is to empower the guys in the trenches and to give them every single tool they need to get their vital job done.
Mike Johnson
Same-sex 'marriage' selfishly and deliberately deprives children of either a mother or a father.
Mike Johnson
To be 'pro-traditional marriage' and conscientiously opposed to all deviations from it is not to be anti-homosexual.
Mike Johnson
Even through all the imperfections, mistakes and disagreements of our past, our aspiration to be good and do good has been the enduring quality that made us the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.
Mike Johnson
We can't allow a long-cherished tradition to go by the wayside because of political correctness.
Mike Johnson
In their admonitions to us, the Founders were very clear that to maintain a republic like ours, to maintain a constitutional republic - a government of, by, and for the people - there has to be a consensus on virtue and morality.
Mike Johnson
The first responsibility of any just government is to defend the defenseless.
Mike Johnson
We must be vigilant at all times, but we can never operate in a spirit of fear.
Mike Johnson
I know that through our hard work and renewed optimism - and with God's blessings - we can secure a bright future for our children and grandchildren.
Mike Johnson
When government is regarded as our savior, and children are taught they have no accountability to any higher power, we'll have a real problem anytime the civil authorities break down.
Mike Johnson
Real leadership is recognized and not imposed.
Mike Johnson
I look forward to supporting business by eliminating governmental red tape that stifles our economy and cripples our business owners.
Mike Johnson
Civility is not something we should simply talk about one day and forget the next. It is a principle we should practice 365 days a year.
Mike Johnson
Homosexuals do not meet the criteria for a suspect class under the equal protection clause because they are neither disadvantaged nor identified on the basis of immutable characteristics, as all are capable of changing their abnormal lifestyles.
Mike Johnson
Pro-family advocates are often asked these days, 'Why should you care? Why is same-sex marriage a threat?' The answer is simple: because we tamper with God's created order at our peril.
Mike Johnson
The Bible is and should be an appropriate course of study in our public schools. Because it is the most widely read, widely published, most influential book in all of history, censoring it from the classroom is as unwise as it is unnecessary.
Mike Johnson
Just as the sharpening of iron is produced by tension, collision and heat, enduring ideas are created through intense debate and informed dialogue. But it is how we debate that matters.
Mike Johnson
God loves every sinner, but we model true compassion when we remain 'pro-traditional marriage' and conscientiously opposed to all deviations from it. This follows common sense and five millennia of moral teaching.
Mike Johnson
There is no right to abortion in the Constitution.
Mike Johnson
We must always remember, that it is not bigotry to make moral distinctions. City officials can be opposed to elevating homosexuality/transgendered identity to a protected legal status without being labeled 'anti-homosexual' or 'intolerant.'
Mike Johnson
Homosexuals have the right to live however they choose but they cannot redefine marriage for our entire society. The stakes are very high in this battle, and it is not 'intolerance' for us to desire a healthy and prosperous community.
Mike Johnson
Whatever weapons are formed against her, Amy Coney Barrett's integrity will stand even taller the more it is assaulted.
Mike Johnson
America remains the freest, most powerful and most prosperous nation in all the world, and yet, we face significant challenges. Among these challenges has been an increasing division in and coarsening of our culture fueled too often by the vitriol in our politics and public discourse.
Mike Johnson
At the end of the day, we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves and that's the Second Amendment, and that's why our party stands so strongly for that.
Mike Johnson
It's a central premise of the Bible that God invented civil government.
Mike Johnson
I respect the rule of law, but I also genuinely love all people, regardless of their lifestyle choices.
Mike Johnson
We cannot expect to move forward or win anyone over to our side if we dehumanize the people we speak to. Productivity requires civility.
Mike Johnson
The vitriol in our politics has led to a loss of trust in our institutions and even violent attacks upon elected officials.
Mike Johnson
We're called to be winsome warriors. We're called to be gentle with those who disagree, we demolish their arguments, but we recognize they're not the enemy. The enemy is the principalities, right? And I find that you can get a long way with being winsome about that. We don't have any reason to be angry at anybody.
Mike Johnson
We accept that warrantless wiretapping may be necessary in extreme circumstances. We accept the added delays and inconvenience of increased airport security. And we understand tough times call for tough measures. The Patriot Act has worked.
Mike Johnson
It is only and always the Christian viewpoint that is getting censored. The fact is the left is always trying to shut down the voices of the Christians.
Mike Johnson
My background before I got to Congress is in constitutional law.
Mike Johnson
While we may have very different ideas and core philosophies, at the end of the day, we are all Americans. We do well to remember that.
Mike Johnson
Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do. This is a free country, but we don't give special protections for every person's bizarre choices.
Mike Johnson
The Patriot Act has proven we can be tough on terror without compromising constitutional safeguards.
Mike Johnson
The state and its citizens have a compelling interest in preserving the integrity of the marital union by making opposite-sex marriage the exclusive form of family relationship endorsed by the government.
Mike Johnson
No successful civilization prior to the 21st century has ever provided legal preferences for same-sex relationships.
Mike Johnson
Society grants benefits and legal preference to traditional marriage, because traditional marriage benefits society.
Mike Johnson
If activist judges can reject thousands of years of history and legitimize homosexual marriage, then transsexual and group 'marriages' of every sort must logically follow.
Mike Johnson
Before I was elected to Congress, I litigated constitutional law cases in federal courts for nearly 20 years, and I found that the best judges were always those who were in their personal lives relatable, humble, and grounded.
Mike Johnson
While we will always have vehement disagreements on important issues, we can disagree better. We have to. The stability of our society and our form of government depend upon it.
Mike Johnson
There are a lot of people in Washington who say things that are not accurate all the time.
Mike Johnson
I don't believe there are any coincidences.
Mike Johnson
The Founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around.
Mike Johnson
People are separating what is religious, quote unquote, with quote unquote real life, right? And that dichotomy was never intended by the founding fathers.
Mike Johnson
I don't go through life judging others or diminishing them in any way.
Mike Johnson
We call religious liberty our first freedom, for a reason of course, because it's listed first. And that's because the founders understood: your right to believe and to act upon that belief is essential to who you are as an American, but even more fundamental than that, who you are as a human being. And so it's critically important to protect it.
Mike Johnson
I will actively engage with Army leadership to ensure they are using the most accurate and up-to-date information as they make important decisions regarding their future plans.
Mike Johnson
In just the first two months of the 115th Congress and President Trump's term, we have made serious headway in enacting real solutions for the American people. A lot of this work has been aimed at first rolling back burdensome, job-crushing regulations that hinder growth and stifle the economy.
Mike Johnson
I will never compromise my core, conservative principles, but I also understand that while my opinions may differ greatly from those of my Democratic colleagues in Congress, at the end of the day, we are all Americans. And we need to find ways to work together.
Mike Johnson
Forcing nearly 100 miles of our Southern border to be void of law enforcement under the guise of 'wilderness protection,' not only endangers the American people, but puts the men and women dedicated to protecting this great nation at serious risk.
Mike Johnson
Let me be clear: David Duke has not, does not and will not speak for Louisiana. Our state is filled with compassionate people who respect the inalienable rights of all.
Mike Johnson
Any fool who contends he has a natural right of supremacy over his neighbors violates not only the foundational creed of America, but the greatest commandments of the God who created him.
Mike Johnson
We have to return to the ideals that made our country great and to the idea that every person is worthy of dignity and respect.
Mike Johnson
No legislation can prevent every tragedy, but we have a duty to take every action possible to mitigate danger to the public caused by the flaws in our immigration system.
Mike Johnson
Our law enforcement officers consistently put community before self.
Mike Johnson
Our men and women in uniform deserve the very best we can offer - in resources, training, support and pay.
Mike Johnson
Misguided policies put in place by the Obama Administration have weakened our military capabilities and reduced the number of our forces.
Mike Johnson
Obamacare is failing and the American people are suffering because of it.
Mike Johnson
It's easy to take freedom away from a people if they don't even know what those freedoms are.
Mike Johnson
As Vice Chair of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, I will work to rein in the continuous onslaught of excessive government overreach that has affected so many hardworking Americans.
Mike Johnson
Two of our most sacred and unalienable rights protected by the Constitution are the right to religious freedom and the right to speak freely without fear of prosecution.
Mike Johnson
While our government seems to know no bounds, federal claims to the property around Lake Bistineau are absurd. I grew up in this area and have watched my neighbors build their lives and their families on this land. It belongs to no one but the people that inhabit it.
Mike Johnson
It is no secret that those seeking to enter the United States illegally will do so by whatever means necessary.
Mike Johnson
The central idea of America is that we boldly declare the self-evident truths that all men are created equal.
Mike Johnson
The hasty withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011 has proven to be a disaster, and we cannot repeat that mistake in Afghanistan.
Mike Johnson
I am proud to join my colleagues in both parties in establishing a National Day of Civility to serve as a reminder that before we are Republicans and Democrats, we are first and foremost Americans.
Mike Johnson
Enforcing our immigration laws, and punishing those that blatantly ignore them, is critically important to maintain public safety and the rule of law.
Mike Johnson
We must not allow our men and women in uniform to fall behind in technological advances when they have selflessly dedicated their lives to protecting this great nation. They deserve the very best defense resources available so they remain the dominant force in air, sea, space and cyberspace domains.
Mike Johnson
Sanctuary cities are blatantly violating our laws and making our cities more dangerous by allowing illegal immigrants, and in many cases dangerous criminals, to roam freely without fear of prosecution.
Mike Johnson
I am committed to taking the concerns of our military members and their families directly to Washington.
Mike Johnson
Both Fort Polk and Barksdale Air Force Base are critical to our military's core mission, and I have continually promoted their importance in Washington.
Mike Johnson
I am very grateful to have been appointed to the House Committee on Natural Resources because of its critical importance to the people of Louisiana. I requested this post because so much of the legislation considered by this committee directly affects our district and our regional economy, as well as the rest of the nation.
Mike Johnson
I look forward to supporting efforts to restore the Army's force structure, readiness and modernization.
Mike Johnson
America's pastors should not be silenced, but afforded every opportunity to spread their message.
Mike Johnson
National security is a top priority and we will do everything within our ability to protect the homeland. That starts by adequately funding our military and affording them every resource they may need to accomplish their mission.
Mike Johnson
American taxpayers expect and deserve to know where their hard-earned money is going and how it is being used.
Mike Johnson
Because each of us is made in the image of God, every single person has inestimable dignity and value, wholly unrelated to the color of our skin or our diverse backgrounds.
Mike Johnson
Terrorism must be rooted out entirely, and we should be doing everything in our power to ensure that happens.
Mike Johnson
We must never allow tax dollars to be given to violent, rogue nations that support terrorism and threaten the safety and security of the United States.
Mike Johnson
Under the Obama administration, the military faced drastic cuts leaving them with scarce and out-of-date resources.
Mike Johnson
I am proud to support President Trump's efforts to make America's energy independence one of our top priorities.
Mike Johnson
With plentiful waterways, forests, crops of all kinds and abundant wildlife, there is no limit to the inspiration that can be found in the natural beauty of Louisiana.
Mike Johnson
Hunting is not only a sport enjoyed by men and women all across Louisiana, it is a way of life.
Mike Johnson
Our veterans deserve every ounce of our appreciation and respect.
Mike Johnson
Utilizing the extensive amounts of natural resources God has given our nation will not only create jobs and foster economic growth, it will better position our nation on the world stage.
Mike JohnsonMike Johnson’s quotes offer valuable lessons on self-love, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself. They serve as reminders that our personal journey is just as important as the destination and that embracing who we are, flaws and all, is the key to living a fulfilling life. Use these inspirational Mike Johnson quotes to fuel your own journey toward success and happiness.
As Olivia Williams, a dedicated contributor at thetopquote.com, I bring a unique blend of passion and expertise to the art of quotation curation. My journey in journalism and creative writing has equipped me with the discerning eye necessary to select quotes that are not only thought-provoking but also deeply meaningful. I am committed to sharing wisdom that resonates with our readers, helping them find inspiration and insight in every phrase.